
Unspeakable Vice is Accepting Donations

Hi! As you probably know, The Unspeakable Vice Podcast is created entirely with volunteer labor, 99% of which is me. The costs so far are minor—website hosting and some recording equipment—but it all comes out of my pocket.

I would like to keep this podcast unmonetized. That is, I don’t want to put ads or product promotions in it. This is not just because it is nicer for listeners not to have to listen to ads, but also because I don’t want corporations dictating what we can or can’t talk about.

One way to show your support for this model is to listen, follow, subscribe, whatever, and tell your friends. Another way is to donate. At this point I have no plans to pay myself, so your donations will go toward present or future costs for equipment and services to keep this podcast up and running. But most importantly, your donation serves as a vote of confidence, an indication that you think this podcast is valuable.

By Kenneth

Kenneth is a graduate student at Wayne State University studying sociology. He is also the host/producer of The Unspeakable Vice Podcast and author of "Lessons Learned: Life-Altering Experiences of Incarceration."

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